“This is the most amazing Pilates studio. Myee and all of the teachers are incredibly knowledgeable, very professional, warm and friendly. I have had many issues with my joints caused by inflammatory disease but since starting Pilates it has increased not only my confidence in my body but also the flexibility and strength in all my muscles and joints. If you really want to help improve your health, flexibility and strength then this is the place for you. I cannot recommend them highly enough.”
"As a chronic pain doctor for many years, with persistent back pain myself, I have been an advocate of Pilates. I didn't have any personal experience of it myself until a couple of years ago when I had a prolapsed intervertebral disc (slipped disc). It was a gruelling experience but I gradually recovered and decided I should “practice what I preach” and actually do some Pilates. Luckily I happened to know Jo so started lessons with her.
“After four months of Pilates with Myee I was overjoyed to discover on holiday that my skiing had greatly improved - better flexibility, balance, strength and stamina. Pilates really works for me.”
Since taking up Pilates I can honestly say I have had virtually no problems with my back.
Classical Pilates seems, to me, to be a sensible introduction and continuing way of practicing Pilates as it is so versatile and can be tailored to the individual.”
“Myee and I were Pilates students together and she is now my teacher. She is fantastic; thoughtful, responsive and never boring! I am strong and flexible and it is due to her. I wouldn't want to have to do without her.”
“When I retired 10 years ago I stopped going to the gym but I continued doing regular floor exercises and also went for an hour’s waIk every day. Four years ago, however, during an operation precipitated by a congenital heart problem I was rendered paraplegic. After rehabilitation my wife suggested that I start Pilates to maintain and strengthen the movement I still had in my legs and to improve balance and mobility in my upper body. It proved to be very good advice and I have found Pilates to be very therapeutic and it has played an important part in my regime to stay fit and strong.
I have been working with Myee for the last two years and have been very impressed by her commitment and dedication. Because of my circumstances it is not possible for me to follow a normal Pilates routine and most exercises have to be modified and adapted. But Myee is constantly thinking about how to improve and develop my regime. We have focused, for example, on reactivating muscles in the upper and lower body that have stopped working because I am not walking. It is incredibly hard work for me to do the exercises but Myee is always enthusiastic and encouraging and so it becomes impossible for me not to respond by exerting myself as much as I possibly can. As a result of doing Pilates I am now very aware of my body and the need to correct problems precipitated by the paraplegia, although it is equally clear that some of the problems long preceded the paraplegia.
Myee is very good at tactfully pointing out these problems and I am quite sure that I would not be in such good shape if I had not been having regular Pilates lessons with her. Pilates has been of huge benefit to me but it is clearly of benefit to anyone who wishes to stay strong, fit and well.”